Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's Confirmed, staying dry this year

We decided to wait to launch until next spring. The Perfection came up so nicely on the hatch covers that we feel that waiting for the cooler temperatures of this fall to put the final coats on will make a tremendous difference. Even with just the primer on, the fairing Matt did was so good that it looks like a new boat. Can't wait to do the hull and the interior! This is amazing!

You can see your face in it. The paint is absolutely amazing.

Also, we ordered four toe rail mounted stanchion baes from Holland Marine in Canada about a month ago and they finally came in. The should open up our little skinny gunnels a little bit, thank goodness.  We are also plotting to sneak our own materials in to the West Marine to use their complimentary swager for the lifelines.  They said if I bought the cable there I could use that. Could I pretend I thought they meant $4.00 keychain, or perhaps, two feet of cable instead of 40?

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